- 各款保護殼:3個月
- 各款收納包:6個月
- 各款便攜底座:12個月
- 藍牙接收發射器:12個月
- JoyGrip充電握把手柄:12個月
- 電源充電器:12個月
- 其他消耗性產品新品瑕疵因素5天內換新
◉ 所有保固服務僅針對正常使用過程中發生的損壞,不包括跌落、漏水等人為因素造成的損壞,
◉ 使用不當造成的損壞不在保固範圍內,例如:握把保護殼如果在不使用時存放方式不當,可能會導致變形。
◉ 產品保固期內皆更換新品不維修。
◉ 非經由代理授權經銷商通路購買之產品或無法提供購買證明或產品盒裝上無本代理標籤,不適用任何保固服務。
Switch 2支架握把保護殼與它的完美搭檔 !
雙倍的保護力! Switch 2的支架握把保護殼(Stand Grip)與它的完美搭檔 ─ 快拆保護上蓋。 加強保護、輕便攜帶、有型時尚! 請持續關注更多資訊!
Switch 2支架握把保護殼與它的完美搭檔 !
雙倍的保護力! Switch 2的支架握把保護殼(Stand Grip)與它的完美搭檔 ─ 快拆保護上蓋。 加強保護、輕便攜帶、有型時尚! 請持續關注更多資訊!
🔻Skull & Co.品牌名稱變更重要公告🔻
首先非常感謝玩家們的支持與肯定🙏"Skull & Co. "將從2025年開始陸續變更品牌名稱為"Savage Raven"(中文品牌名稱:霧鴉)。🔴品牌名稱的變更不會影響過往或未來任何產品的品質與我們的客戶服務。這對我們來說是一個艱難的決定,若有興趣的玩家可參考以下英文公告內容。 原廠公告原文:A Message to Our Supportive Community: First and foremost, we want to express our deepest gratitude to every player who has been with us on this journey. Your support has been our driving force, the inspiration behind every product we create, and the reason we strive for excellence. Today, with mixed emotions, we announce that we are embarking on the next chapter of our journey under a new brand name—SAVAGE RAVEN. We will continue delivering high-quality gaming accessories for gamers. This decision comes after a period filled with hardship. In 2023, we faced an attempt...
🔻Skull & Co.品牌名稱變更重要公告🔻
首先非常感謝玩家們的支持與肯定🙏"Skull & Co. "將從2025年開始陸續變更品牌名稱為"Savage Raven"(中文品牌名稱:霧鴉)。🔴品牌名稱的變更不會影響過往或未來任何產品的品質與我們的客戶服務。這對我們來說是一個艱難的決定,若有興趣的玩家可參考以下英文公告內容。 原廠公告原文:A Message to Our Supportive Community: First and foremost, we want to express our deepest gratitude to every player who has been with us on this journey. Your support has been our driving force, the inspiration behind every product we create, and the reason we strive for excellence. Today, with mixed emotions, we announce that we are embarking on the next chapter of our journey under a new brand name—SAVAGE RAVEN. We will continue delivering high-quality gaming accessories for gamers. This decision comes after a period filled with hardship. In 2023, we faced an attempt...